
Pool Fencing Tips

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Pool Fencing Tips

Hi, I’m Cherie – welcome to my blog! I have three children, all of whom like to bring their friends around to play in our garden. Sometimes I think the whole neighbourhood is out there! I can’t keep an eye on the kids all the time when they are outside and I have been worrying about what might happen with our pool. I’ve taught all our kids to swim, but not all their friends are confident around water. We decided that the best thing to do would be to upgrade our pool fencing so that kids couldn’t access the pool without someone letting them in. I started this site to share some of tips and advice we got when we were choosing the right kind of kid-safe fencing for our pool. Hope you find it useful!


Reasons to Consider Chain Wire Fencing for Your Home Front Garden

You might be looking at various materials that you can use for your home's front fencing. One option you've probably come across is chain wire mesh. Reasons to install this kind of barrier follow.

Open Aspect

One of the main attributes of chain wire fencing is its open aspect. This allows beautiful colourful flowers and lush green foliage to be seen from the street, creating a lovely kerb view. Your plants won't be starved of sunlight or be cast in shadow by a heavy barrier.

Chain wire mesh is one of the most open kinds of front fences because while some other styles — like those using planks, pickets, or slats — offer some view, they aren't as light and airy as chain wire. A see-through barrier also helps with security as trespassers can't simply hide behind a privacy fence as they break into one of your home's windows.

Colour Options

You can install chain mesh fences in colours such as silver, brown, black, and green. Silver fences often consist of galvanised steel, which has a shiny layer of zinc that hinders rust. Meshing in other colours is encased in PVC, and the posts and rails are powder-coated in a matching hue. Both the PVC coat and the powder-coating helps to prevent rusting while they decorate your fence in different shades.


Chain mesh fences don't come with a one-size-fits-all mentality. You can build them in diverse heights, ranging from waist-high to several metres. Plus, you can install mesh with different diamond sizes — the smaller the diamond size, the tighter the weave and the stronger the fence. Your contractor can advise you on the correct wire-size for your fence. You can also choose between different posts using metal piping that comes with thicker and thinner walls to satisfy different security needs.

Restrains Children and Pets

Chain mesh fencing will keep your children and pets safe as they don't have gaps through which they can squeeze so you can feel confident with them playing in a front garden with a secure gate. The webbing connects from post to post, and it's attached to a rail at the top and secured to the ground. The only holes in the fence are the tiny holes within each diamond shape, allowing insects through but not many other bigger creatures. You can even try to keep out small wildlife by burying the wire into the earth.

Reach out to a professional for chain mesh fencing services.