
Pool Fencing Tips

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Pool Fencing Tips

Hi, I’m Cherie – welcome to my blog! I have three children, all of whom like to bring their friends around to play in our garden. Sometimes I think the whole neighbourhood is out there! I can’t keep an eye on the kids all the time when they are outside and I have been worrying about what might happen with our pool. I’ve taught all our kids to swim, but not all their friends are confident around water. We decided that the best thing to do would be to upgrade our pool fencing so that kids couldn’t access the pool without someone letting them in. I started this site to share some of tips and advice we got when we were choosing the right kind of kid-safe fencing for our pool. Hope you find it useful!


Benefits of Glass Balustrades

A balustrade is the railing used on a porch, balcony, pool, terrace or staircase. This railing is supported by balusters. Glass balustrades can be semi-frameless, fully frameless, or fully framed. They can also be made of different types of glass, including safety, tempered and structural glass. Here are some of the benefits of incorporating glass balustrades in your building.


Standard balustrades block the light inside your house, making it look dark inside. Glass is transparent and helps illuminate the area behind your porch, balcony or staircase. Illuminated areas have brighter aesthetics and create the illusion of space.

The transparency of glass balustrades also means that your views are not lost. This is an essential feature if you like being able to see your surroundings. With glass balustrades, you have a perfect view of everything around your house.


Staircases and balconies are hazardous areas in your house, especially with kids and pets running around; this is why you should use glass balustrades around these areas. Glass balustrades are made of thick, tempered glass. The sturdy safety glass ensures strength and durability, which enhances the load-bearing capacity of the balustrades.

Ancient glass material was a mixture of sand, soda and lime. The end product was a delicate glass. However, with modern technological advancements, this brittle glass is replaced with a durable material that can withstand all types of pressure. This glass is difficult to break, and when it breaks, it does not disintegrate into sharp shards, making it safer than conventional glass. More natural lighting also minimises the chance of you falling downstairs because you can see each step.


One of the most appealing features of glass balustrades is their simplicity. The installation and maintenance of glass balustrades are very easy and straightforward. The balustrades are accurately measured and designed on paper, making them very simple to construct.

These balustrades also have low-maintenance features when you compare them to concrete, wood and metal. Glass is easy to clean as opposed to materials like wood. All you need is some water and vinegar to keep the glass looking like new.


Many modern homes and offices have glass balustrades that are incorporated into their balconies, staircases and pool areas. The popularity of glass balustrades is based on their aesthetic appeal and beauty. These balustrades are transparent, safe and simple, making them convenient in today's modern buildings. Contact a contractor in your area to learn more.