
Pool Fencing Tips

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Pool Fencing Tips

Hi, I’m Cherie – welcome to my blog! I have three children, all of whom like to bring their friends around to play in our garden. Sometimes I think the whole neighbourhood is out there! I can’t keep an eye on the kids all the time when they are outside and I have been worrying about what might happen with our pool. I’ve taught all our kids to swim, but not all their friends are confident around water. We decided that the best thing to do would be to upgrade our pool fencing so that kids couldn’t access the pool without someone letting them in. I started this site to share some of tips and advice we got when we were choosing the right kind of kid-safe fencing for our pool. Hope you find it useful!


Frame, Set And Match: Is Frameless Glass Pool Fencing Right For You?

A robust, well-installed fence is a vital accompaniment to any outdoor pool, preventing errant children and animals from falling into your pool and getting into difficulties. However, a secure pool fence does not necessarily have to be an ugly one, and you have a variety of aesthetically pleasing designs to choose from when shopping around for a new pool fence.

One of the most striking and most sought-after varieties of pool fencing is frameless glass fencing. These fences are made from large, individual panels of glass that are held in place with low-profile brackets and posts and can be a striking addition to any residential pool. However, while these unique fences have a lot going for them, there are also some distinct disadvantages associated with their use, so make sure a frameless glass pool fence is right for your needs before you take the plunge.

What are the advantages of frameless glass pool fencing?

LooksFrameless glass fences have a sleek, contemporary look that compliments any modern home design; however, their low-profile looks mean that they can fit into almost any design scheme you choose. Their lack of visible frames also minimises their visual impact and the shadows they cast, a particular boon for late-season swimmers or homes with picturesque views.

Easy pool supervisionThis low visual impact also provides a clear view of the pool from outside the fence and is very useful for non-swimmers who wish to keep an eye on the pool (such as parents of young swimmers).

Low maintenance: Frameless glass fences do not need protection against rot and insects and do not perish in intense sunlight like some plastic fences. As such, an occasional clean is generally all that is required to keep your glass fence looking new for years to come.

Slender profileFrameless glass fences are very thin, especially compared to bulky wooden or metal fences; this serves to maximise poolside space and is a particularly useful property when fencing off small pools and spas in compact spaces.

What about the disadvantages?

PriceFrameless glass fencing is unfortunately one of the most expensive types of pool fencing out there because of its complicated construction and the need to fabricate large sheets of tempered glass to order. It can also take a significant amount of time to install, which can become expensive if you hire fence contractors to install it professionally.

Scratches and scrapesThe tempered glass used to build frameless glass fences is remarkably durable and highly resistant to both cracking and shattering. However, the surface of tempered glass is vulnerable to scratches, scrapes and chips caused by impact damage and can also suffer surface damage if cleaned with harsh chemicals. 

Ground levellingFrameless glass fences are largely suited for flat, even ground, and if the ground around your poolside is particularly rocky or uneven, it may require professional levelling before installation can begin.